lightning is written as “稲妻(Inazuma)” in Japanese. A similar word is thunder, which is written as “雷 (kaminari)” in Japanese.
Which surname means “lightning”?
稲妻 Inazuma

There are a very small number of people in Japan with “稲妻(Inazuma)” as their surname. There are only about 380 people in Japan, and most of them are in Miyagi Prefecture, especially in Yoshidahama, Shichigahama-cho, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
The origin of the name is unknown.
嵐 Arashi

“嵐(Arashi)” is a wind that blows wildly and violently and is a storm
There are people with the surname “嵐(Arashi)” in Japan.
As for the origin of the surname, the place name Arashi represents a wasteland or a vacant lot. There are approximately 2,900 people with the surname Arashi in Japan, and it is found throughout the country, including Ishikawa, Niigata, Osaka, and Tokyo.
Another surname with the “嵐(Arashi)” suffix is “五十嵐(Igarashi)” .
The origin of the surname “五十嵐(Igarashi)” is attributed to Prince Ikatarashi Hikonomikoto, the eighth prince of Emperor Taruhito, who pioneered rice cultivation in the Niigata area more than 2,000 years ago. It is said that the reading of “五十日 (ika)” and “帯(tarashi)” changed to “五十嵐 (iga-arashi)”. The Igarashi Shrine is located in the Shimoda district of Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture, and is believed to be the birthplace of the Igarashi.
雷 kaminari

There are people in Japan with “雷(kaminari)” as their surname. It can be read as “Rai,” “Ikazuchi,” or “Kaminari,” and I, for one, think “Ikazuchi” is cool. There are only about 230 people with this surname in Japan.
There are also people who have “雷電(Raiden)” as a similar surname. Raiden means thunder and lightning, but few Japanese know and use the word. A techno group called Yellow Magic Orchestra has a song called “RYDEEN,” which is written in Japanese as “Raiden” and reads “Raiden. There are only about 10 people in Japan with the surname “Raiden,” making it a rare surname.